Sunday Morning Worship

Multi-Platform Worship Services 
Our service begins at 10:45 am, every Sunday.
Our service is offered in person and online.
If you wish to join on Zoom click here to connect.


The root meaning of the word worship is to shape something of worth, or to give value to something, which is what we try to do on Sunday mornings. Reverence and gratitude are a valued part of our worship service, in which we strive to create opportunities for inspiration and contemplation, critical reflection, connection, and celebration. Music is an essential part of every service – we listen, we sing, and we are inspired by the fabulous offerings from our choir. We also light our chalice each Sunday at the start of the service, which represents the light, the love, and the hope of our community. The flaming chalice as a symbol of Unitarian Universalism has a powerful origin story that continues to define important aspects of our faith tradition today.

Sermons are offered are on a variety of topics, and our ministers draw from a variety of sources to create a worship service including music, story, poetry, and meditation. Our Unitarian Universalist Sources include the wisdom of the world religions, results of science, personal experience of life’s mystery, and the words and deeds of those who exemplify compassion, justice, and the transforming power of love.

Rev. Victoria Safford reflects further on the nature of Unitarian Universalist worship services,

“In our liberal communion, worship has no direct object; the verb is intransitive. We don’t worship any single thing but draw instead upon the meaning of the Old English weorthscipe: ‘to consider that which is of worth, to hold that which is worthy.’ We remember what has worth, once a week, for a little while, together. To honor what is worthy of honor, to notice what is worthy of notice, to grieve the losses and the sorrows that are worthy of our tears, to tell stories about and sing about, to celebrate, to draw closer to, to be more mindful of what matters; to name, in the clearest possible language, with the best possible music, through the deepest possible silence, a few significant things.”