Standing Committees

Standing Committees of the Church are permanent, and responsible for the primary functioning of the day to day activities of the church.  The current contact person for each committee is listed at the bottom of each committee description – each individual’s contact information is available in the church directory, copies of which are available on the table outside the church office.  Members and friends, please contact the office,, if you would like an electronic copy of the church directory sent to you.

Adult Religious Education

The Adult Religious Education Committee coordinates ongoing religious education programs for the adult members of the congregation.  There are both weekly Sunday morning programs and special programs which are planned and developed by this committee. The committee consists of Sunday school leaders, the minister and other members of the congregation committed to religious education.

Contact: Eleanor Trawick



The Fellowship Committee supports church programs by providing for the communal enjoyment of food and fellowship. There are traditional events and observance, special occasions and new ideas.

Contact: Jean Filson


The Finance Committee serves as the financial and budgetary advisory group to the Board of Trustees and congregation. The Committee prepares the annual budget and plans fundraising activities. The Treasurer, President and minister serve ex officio on this committee.

Contact: Lynn Sousa


The Fundraising Committee is responsible for all the fundraising programs, activities and events at the church.

Contact: TBD


The Membership Committee identifies and assists the integration of visitors and new members into church life.

Contact: Eleanor Johnson

Property Maintenance

The Property Maintenance Committee is responsible for the care of the church property, the general supervision of the grounds and buildings, and the equipment it contains.

Contact: John Taylor or Bruce Craig

Religious Education

The Religious Education Committee promotes and oversees the religious educational goals of the church youth, nursery through 12th grade. The committee set goals and assists the Director of Religious Education in carrying them out. Members take turns assisting in the Sunday morning program.

Contact: Elsbeth Fritz

Social Justice

The Social Justice Committee (SJC), newly reorganized in 2010, is a small group which coordinates, promotes and nurtures the social justice and community service initiatives led and implemented by many members and friends of our congregation. These initiatives will be carried out primarily by task forces focused on one topic or issue.

Contact: Luellen Smucker


The Committee is responsible for developing and implementing programs that promote stewardship and a culture of generosity.

Contact: Linda McKean